I'm sorry it has been so long since I last wrote to you. But as the old saying, no news is good news. You must understand how happy I'm to restart a new life after such a long time to recover from the operation and chemos.
I'm delighted to tell you that I'm getting better although the whole medical treatment won’t come to the end until next February. I passed the yearly check-up last Sep. It points out some uncertainty in my left breast, so I'll have another check-up in Nov. I am learning to cast my anxiety of re-occurrence on God. I believe this is a special lesson for me to learn how much God loves me and how much I can count on Him. As Reinhold Niebuhr said, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
After my healthy issue, let's have some British conversation. Recently, the weather in Taipei is cooler though there are heavy rains occasionally. Only a few leaves turned to yellow, but it's very comfy to have a walk on these lovely autumn days. As the fresh air benefits health, I set a new goal – hiking out within the forest once a week at least. I've done this for about one month, and my physical strength has been significantly improved. Kind of regrets for why I didn’t hike often when I was in Lancaster?
And this year, sowing the seeds is the goal of my church. We'll have a Gospel Music Concert and Christmas lunch in Dec. Before that, there are a few warming-up events. One week ago, we had an outing. (It reminds me those wonderful outings organised by the International Café Lancaster and the Chaplaincy Centre.) I invited 4 friends and their family to go with me. Here is a photo including us five. I'm very beloved to have their friendship from the junior high, from the university, or from the graduate school. Some of you might recognise Jennifer, who studied in Manchester and went lots of events with me. May God soften their hearts and bless our events in Dec.
Yours in His loving care, Carol
白藜蘆醇Resveratrol ~
回覆刪除我們能藉由食物攝取來抑制癌細胞生長? Can we eat to starve cancer?