


他們家的粿是完全手工製作,放在冷凍庫裡保存。長方形一個150元、圓形小的一個100元,他們沒有什麼行銷管道,輸入地址到Google Map都還找不到。但料好實在還有滿滿的人情味,一點也不假。對我來說,紅豆粿比較甜,但有滿滿的飽滿紅豆夾在裡面;芋仔蕃薯粿用得是金山地瓜本來的甜味,可以一連吃很多塊;鹹甜粿有放一點肉和油蔥酥,煎完以後特別香。如果有朋友到金山附近玩,可以去他們家試吃,再帶兩個粿回家慢慢品嚐囉!
電話:02-2532-0003、0922-209-361 阿柯





電話:03-8830591、0921-862929 張先生




很久沒更新網頁,懶自然是原因之一囉!此外,原本開部落格是為了給關心的朋友一些正面的消息,或是給一樣罹癌的朋友一些資訊,但去年11月回英國訪友兼結清銀行帳戶和拿剩下行李,並順遊布魯塞爾/巴黎後,返台做例行檢查時發現癌症復發(骨移轉,在肋骨上發現1.2公分的小點),1月開始電療和化療,所以想等到5月治療結束再補上訊息,沒想到居然收到朋友的催稿通知 。XD 當然這也告訴我,真是好朋友才會這麼關心,謝謝!





Carol's Update 04/03/14

Dear friend,
Thank you for your kind thought. I am sorry that my previous emails were written in a state of trepidation. I was very anxious when the doctor said he could only manage my cancer reoccurrence rather than to cure it. But thank God! A young sister in our youth fellowship asked me why. It reminded me that "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible". I regained joy and peace. Praise the Lord!

Now I am doing well with my medical treatment, both physically and psychologically. (Yes, I'm still capable to do some English-Chinese translation for the sponsored children of the World Vision Taiwan.) Fortunately, the reoccurrence of my breast cancer is only a small spot in my rib, so my doctor is willing to give me aggressive treatment. I had 13 radiation treatments. (It is tiring but finally passed.) I have been injected with a new drug to protect my bone every month and taken chemo medicines twice every 3 weeks. The course of my chemo is 18 weeks. We expect to finish it in May. Then we will have a check-up to see if the cancer cells have been disappeared.
There is an episode encouraging me a lot. At the beginning, my doctor planned to inject another chemo drug into my body, in addition to the oral chemo medicine. As it caused hair loss and a small operation to insert a port in my shoulder, my doctor postponed it due to the Chinese New Year. Two weeks ago, he decided to cancel it because no one knew if the chemo drug was useful to me. It's awesome! I don't need to have more suffering. I guess he might be also pleased with my current state.

During the past a few months, I got some sad news. Kent, a friend from my graduate school, passed away in early December because of lung cancer. I went to see him for several times before visiting you in England, so I knew how unwilling he was to leave his wife and two children. We were all surprised that the period from his diagnosis to his funeral was only 4 months, particularly because he didn't smoke and went camping frequently with his family. But we are glad that his wife and children have begun to rebuild their lives, supported by their family and friends.

My grandpa also passed away before the Christmas. He was 97 years old and baptized in the nursing home. He was the only Christian among my family members, but we never had chance to talk about our faith because he had almost lost his memory. I believe he has been in Heaven. He might be quite happy to see that his seven children and many grandchildren got together again from the north and the south due to his funeral.

In addition, the founder of my current church Koert was diagnosed with rectum cancer last month. He and his wife Gea are the missionaries from the Netherlands, dedicating nearly 50 years to the people in Taiwan and in China. Now Koert has treatment in the same hospital of mine. I know there must be many friends praying for them. Koert will get better and better.

And Jessica, who studied in MA TEFL at Lancaster University from 2006 to 2007, has suffered from pancreas cancer since 2011. The cancer transferred to her liver in the next year. I didn't clearly know it until recently. She is looking for different treatment to comfort her state. As she and all her family are faithful Christians, hope God gives them strength and confidence. (Jessica and her husband got married at the end of 2013, and they know each other for 15 years. They are a very special couple, realizing the meaning of the wedding vow. Bless the couple!) 

Facing the death and illness, I think I'll cherish my life even more and focus on the most important things. Spring is coming, at least in Taiwan. I miss your British garden. Hope you have a nice spring too.

Lots of love, Carol