談到最近看的書,我還想分享「築愛後山-陳在惠牧師的生命日記」。我是一口氣看完這本書的,看到都哭了,因為1999年陳牧師被檢查出末期肝癌,同時面臨妻子腦血管病變、喪失記憶的意外,卻從不放棄幫助貧窮者(the poor)的服事與對上帝的信心。以前在英國的bible study中曾討論過the poor指的不僅是經濟弱勢者,也指被歧視的女人(社會地位貧窮)、稅吏(職業地位貧窮),沒看這本書之前,我不知道家中小女孩被賣作雛妓的悲哀,這個網址連結收錄其中一些讓我非常感動的內容,有興趣的朋友可以點閱。http://www.oursweb.net/prove/index_detail.asp?id=393
談到最近看的書,我還想分享「築愛後山-陳在惠牧師的生命日記」。我是一口氣看完這本書的,看到都哭了,因為1999年陳牧師被檢查出末期肝癌,同時面臨妻子腦血管病變、喪失記憶的意外,卻從不放棄幫助貧窮者(the poor)的服事與對上帝的信心。以前在英國的bible study中曾討論過the poor指的不僅是經濟弱勢者,也指被歧視的女人(社會地位貧窮)、稅吏(職業地位貧窮),沒看這本書之前,我不知道家中小女孩被賣作雛妓的悲哀,這個網址連結收錄其中一些讓我非常感動的內容,有興趣的朋友可以點閱。http://www.oursweb.net/prove/index_detail.asp?id=393
Carol's Update 17/02/11
Dear friends,
Do you know it's Chinese New Year recently? Today is the Lantern Festival, the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. Traditionally today, we try to solve riddles on lanterns and eat tangyuen, a kind of glutinous rice ball. But nowadays, we focus on family reunion instead of those activities. If any of you has Chinese friends nearby, hope you also enjoy the atmosphere of reunion.
Shared an exciting news. In addition to my hair is longer (pls see the photo), I completed all the therapies on Tuesday. Hooray! What a spiritual release after 22 months! On 1st March, I will have a surgery to remove my port, a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin for chemo injection. After that, I'm only requested for check-up every 3 months. Then the gap will be longer and longer. Though the doctors and nurses have been my friends, I'm delighted that I don't have to visit them so often.
And there is a small testimony about my port surgery. Forty-five days ago, my doctor strongly suggested me to keep the port for the next 2 years in case of (cancer) reoccurrence. To maintain its usefulness, I had to return the hospital once a month for an injection, in order to melt the impurities in the port. I asked the brothers and sisters in my small group at my current church to pray for this because I believe Jesus Christ already cured me. Then my port was stuck in the next chemo. The nurse found my port had got stuck for 4 times, so she said I should be able to remove the port a.s.a.p. The conclusion was reversed so quickly, and the following decisions went so smoothly. I think it's the response from Jesus to our prayers. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!
May God be with you too.
With my warmest greetings to all of you and your family,
Do you know it's Chinese New Year recently? Today is the Lantern Festival, the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. Traditionally today, we try to solve riddles on lanterns and eat tangyuen, a kind of glutinous rice ball. But nowadays, we focus on family reunion instead of those activities. If any of you has Chinese friends nearby, hope you also enjoy the atmosphere of reunion.
Shared an exciting news. In addition to my hair is longer (pls see the photo), I completed all the therapies on Tuesday. Hooray! What a spiritual release after 22 months! On 1st March, I will have a surgery to remove my port, a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin for chemo injection. After that, I'm only requested for check-up every 3 months. Then the gap will be longer and longer. Though the doctors and nurses have been my friends, I'm delighted that I don't have to visit them so often.

May God be with you too.
With my warmest greetings to all of you and your family,
小療畢業, 進入追蹤
殷殷期盼了好久, 漫長的治療終於結束. 是因為感冒頭腦昏昏沉沉? 還是因為花了太多時間想像這一天? 做完最後一次標靶治療, 真的來到畢業的今天, 卻只有一種不真實感, 沒有太多的興奮, 像是煙花燃盡時, 留剩的嘶嘶聲消散在風裡... 唯一想到的是, 以後再有男生吹噓自己當兵的日子, 我可以告訴他我也有熬了一年10個月的經驗 (2009/4/11~2011/2/15).
明天, 要去醫院商量拿掉人工血管的時間, 幫助我經歷29次化療 (4次白金/歐洲紫杉醇+4次小紅莓+4次亞洲紫杉醇+17次賀癌平) 的夥伴就要功成身退了. 感謝信義小組弟兄姊妹的代禱, 在倒數第3次標靶治療時, 還建議我至少保留2年的人工血管, 在最後2次標靶治療時, 逆轉為我的主治醫師和護理人員都完全同意我拿掉它. 我相信這是主耶穌垂聽我禱告不會復發的回應, 因為這是之後不會再用到的裝備.
哈利路亞! 無病無痛的日子, 真好! 之後就是5月回診大檢了.

哈利路亞! 無病無痛的日子, 真好! 之後就是5月回診大檢了.
今年春節等阿琳學測結束後, 全家8口人/2輛車/5天4夜環島旅行, 除了跑不掉的車程外, 徹底實現慢活精神, 原本計畫中的鯉魚潭划獨木舟/立川漁場摸蜆仔/杉原海洋生態公園餵魚等行程"通通都沒去", 連照片都不多. 但沿途欣賞到花東花海, 在知本泡溫泉, 終於去了姊夫老家附近的草山月世界, 還在台中美術館附近晃悠, 並順道拜訪許多親戚, 過了個輕鬆的年. 回到濕冷的台北, 很是想念那裡的湛藍天空/暖暖陽光/和泥土的芳香...
A family trip around the island in 2011 Spring Festival
Location: Taiwan
一晃眼已經是大年初二了, 希望大家也都過了個如意又充實的年! Happy Chinese New Year!
A family trip around the island in 2011 Spring Festival
Location: Taiwan
一晃眼已經是大年初二了, 希望大家也都過了個如意又充實的年! Happy Chinese New Year!
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