

祝大家新的一年, 平安順心, 喜樂綿延!



不知道是不是因為之前耳朵有進水, 然後我又亂掏耳朵, 導致3週前耳朵開始發疼. 剛開始痛的時候不以為意, 沒去看醫生, 自己隨便擦了點藥, 直到痛到咀嚼都有感覺時, 才跑去家裡附近的耳鼻喉科診所. 不妙的是, 當時醫生以為只是耳屎太多, 輕微發炎, 藥開得比較輕, 以致看完2次後發現症狀不但沒有緩解, 還越來越嚴重, 右耳會一陣子聽不見聲音.

發現狀況不對, 趕緊求助同學Vivian在中和開小兒科診所的先生, 考量到交通便利性, 他建議我去他台大醫學院同學開的莊京憲耳鼻喉科診所治療, 今天是第3趟, 狀況有好轉. 莊醫師很仔細地檢查後, 解釋我之所以會聽不見, 是因為外耳道發炎產生的分泌物沉積在耳膜上, 以致耳膜比較震動不起來. 所幸我的耳膜完整無缺, 沒有破口或受傷. 但我生平頭一次發生外耳炎就這麼嚴重, 他擔心是特別的細菌感染, 所以如果再持續複診1-2次後症狀仍在, 他會開轉診單給我, 讓我去大醫院做細菌培養, 看看是不是需要用特別的藥物治療...

不過, 我自己還蠻有信心的, 覺得耐心治療後應該就會恢復. 甚至猜想醫生會建議轉診, 可能是因為快過年, 他的診所要休息, 沒辦法每3天幫我的耳朵用一次"吸塵器". 但還是請各位弟兄姊妹幫我代禱, 畢竟上個主日只能用一隻耳朵聽道, 和朋友聊天會聽不清楚, 得不時double check, 很不方便. 而這次經驗也讓我親身體會到, 有中度聽障 (戴了助聽器還聽不清楚) 的媽媽, 其實生活中有許多辛苦是不足為外人道矣.

雖然得以藥罐子的身份送走2011年, 最近的生活仍充實且愉快. 和好久不見的屬靈夥伴芳茹好好地聊了個天, 還看到長得好大的阿慈(她的寶貝); 跟二姊一起去參加"招募志工/熱血巴士"活動, 參觀紫藤廬/紀州庵/錢穆故居等我很愛的老房子; 與教會弟兄姊妹一起渡過很棒的平安夜, 下午場聖誕活動結束後還去晴光市場報佳音; 也和家人朋友一起繼續爬郊山, 充分享受到前兩天暖暖的冬陽. 迎接2012年, 我祈求大有能力的主幫助我, 新的一年身心免疫力都能大大提高, 讓我重新得力, 為主作工.

2011/12/24(六)下午3:00-6:30 台北雙城公園--慶祝耶誕同歡活動
願在這寒冷的平安夜, 復興的火隨著詩歌/鼓聲, 還有青少年的熱情, 傳達至觀眾/社區鄰居/街坊路人/還在欣賞到這段影片的你

2011北區榮美教會聖誕活動隨拍 (更多照片請按標題)
12/24(六)下午3:00 台北雙城公園--慶祝耶誕同歡活動
12/25(日)上午9:30 北區榮美教會--廖偉凡弟兄分享生命故事
因為編派在招待組, 所以只有偶爾拿出口袋中的數位相機隨機拍攝, 留個回憶, 還有太多太多辛苦的同工沒有照到, 就讓我們期待攝影組專業的流程記錄囉! Merry CHRISTmas!!

2011綠活記趣(續) (更多照片請按標題)
2011/12/28 大崙尾山
2011/12/27 土城賞桐步道+清溪步道+賞螢步道
2011/12/19 大崙頭山
2011/12/17 芝山岩步道
2011/12/13 劍潭山
2011/12/06 土城石壁寮步道+賞桐步道+清溪步道+賞螢步道
2011/12/04 劍潭山+劍南蝴蝶步道
2011/11/24 內湖鯉魚山+圓覺步道
2011/11/04 桃園東眼山森林浴步道+觀景步道
2011/11/03 忠義山
2011/11/01 忠義山
2011/10/26 土城火焰山+石壁寮溪木棧道
2011/10/19 汐止大尖山
2011/10/16 劍潭山
2011/10/08 土城火焰山


這一年,我們的聖誕節 !

明後天還沒有計畫怎麼慶祝聖誕節的朋友, 可以來找我玩喔!

台北市榮美基督教會 北區分會: 這一年,我們的聖誕節 ! 2011-12-24
熱情 x 勇敢 x 受的力量 x 盼望 x 永遠
這一年,我們的聖誕節 !

Christmas Letter 2011

Christmas 2011
Dear friends,

My family and I are thankful for your friendship and prayer. We wish you all the best during the Christmas season and the coming New Year. This year is full of God’s grace and mercy. My treatment ended in March, and the prognosis of breast cancer went well. I gave up my doctoral study in Lancaster and denied full-time job opportunities because the priority of my life was changed. Before I clearly know what our Father in Heaven wants me to do, I prefer to spend time with my family, close friends, Christian brothers and sisters, other breast cancer survivors, and the kids/teens who haven’t known how valuable they are.

Family BBQ with neighbours in the Mid-Autumn Festival and some gathering with family and friends
Being a freelancer, I take a few translation cases from friends and write travel notes for websites. If you’re interested in my English notes, please see the links. Every suggestion is very welcome. http://www.hometown.org.tw/eng-2011/caseStudyAction.do?method=doDetail&&engId=17
I’ve never been so relaxed after I grew up. With limited workloads, I’m able to cook dinner for my family, to have deep conversation with close friends, and to borrow interesting books from libraries. I think it’s a testimony of Matthew 11:30 – “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Finally, I learn how to ignore the evaluation of the world and simply count on Him.

Try to be a good cook for my family. :-)
To find my way ahead, I take part in voluntary activities, which I was interested in but had no courage to devote to. I continue being a volunteer translator for the World Vision Taiwan. Recently they shift me to translate children’s letters from Swaziland. The children’s living environment seems worse than that in Latin America and East Europe. Some children couldn’t pay the remaining tuition and got their school reports before getting the gifts from Taiwan’s sponsors. Some orphans, whose parents had been passed away because of AIDS, were looked after by neighbourhood care points. These true stories remind me of the blessing I have received. I cherish my current life and hope that God lighten the lives of the children on the other end of the earth.

In addition, this summer I participated in two voluntary vacation programmes in East and South Taiwan (Hualien & Pingtung) respectively. Our main job was to assist local students’ homework and to accompany them, as I shared before. The four-week experience taught me how wide the rural-urban divide was. Interpersonal trust relationship was established over time, so a short-stay volunteer could be a helper at most. The rural communities needed local residents or long-stay volunteers to come forward and to be the kids’ spiritual guides. As a social worker said, “some kids are tired to pretend that they like to play with big brothers and sisters from urban areas.” I realized that rural areas in Taiwan couldn’t be my harvest.

Fortunately, God opened a window in Taipei City. I became a volunteer tutor for the Champions Education Association R.O.C. The Christian founders of the association thought that social problems could be decreased when young people rooted in correct value. Hence, the association designed course materials and invited Christian brothers and sisters to teach in Taiwan’s junior high schools. The materials included how to value oneself without bias, how to deal with problems and emotions, and how to get along with friends whose gender differed from his/hers. Until present, over 400 schools have been allied with the association. Last year, our priest started to teach in a junior high school near our church. This term, I joined his team. It’s nice to see students’ changes in the classes. Our priest’s wife told me that last year a student promised to face his drug-taking problem after our class. They also discovered some potential family (sexual) violence cases and then were able to prevent it.

At church, I serve as a greeter on Sunday worship and coordinate an English Bible Study for the youth group. We had the Bible Study twice only. I’m still learning from doing, but I thank God and our priest giving me the chance to share what I had learned in England with the teens. To celebrate Christmas, we’re having a party in the park beside our church this Saturday afternoon. Our youth and kid groups will perform one of the shows. During the past three months, they have practiced drumming and dancing once a week very hard. I’m indeed proud of them.

The voluntary activities and the drumming and dancing practice of our youth and kid groups
For the reason of health, I’ve taken a walk once a week for about one year. Green forests, blue sky, and the creatures in the Nature refresh me whenever I feel sorrow. It also provides me a less burdensome situation to talk with my family, friends, and other breast cancer survivors. Furthermore, it’s good to meet friends up for a walk instead of for a meal because I’m still fighting for the weights gained in the chemos. (Awwww…why do Asian women always fight for weights?) When Elspeth and Andy visited Taiwan, we went to Mt. Yangming together. (Dear Sue, they can prove that I’m better in hiking now. I’ll demonstrate it when we visit the Lakes again.) But I found that I had little knowledge about the Nature in Taiwan. Thus, I registered to be an environmental volunteer in the Zhishan Cultural and Ecological Garden. I enjoyed the training lessons and gardening work there, with the smell of soil and grass.

Go hiking with friends for the Nature beauty and the warm friendship.
Next year, my biggest challenge is to face the psychological shade in my mind. I’m weak when I hear news about cancer reoccurrence. I’m also easily to feel frustrated about my poor health. For example, my immunity is not as good as before. My nail, skin, and ear are infected in turn this year. After a surgery for the nail disease paronychia, it took me six months for the recovery. Last week, my aching right ear was diagnosed with otitis externa. After the first three-day medicine, the condition wasn’t improved. So I’m taking stronger antibiotics now. Taking flight becomes a complex thing due to my upper extremity lymphedema following treatment of breast cancer. I need someone to go with me and lying down for 30 minutes when we arrive at the destination airport. However, I believe I’ll getting better when I get used to my current condition.

Praise the Lord! My family are all in good health. The most wonderful news this year is that my niece Jenny was enrolled by the best university in Taiwan. My nephew Alan will take the University Entrance Examination next year. Hopefully he can pass the exam without stress and have a good result like his sister. Another good news is that we will move to a four-room flat next year. Each of us, my Mum, my two big sisters, and I, will have our own room. I’ve been thinking of the interior design for over two years because it’s part of pre-sale homes*. Thank my family giving me such a big present while I was having chemos. It brought me lots of fun and hope.

(*Briefly to say, pre-sale homes refer to new homes that are being offered for sale before construction, in order to decrease the funding stress and the sale risk of the constructors. It’s a unique real estate system in Taiwan.)

Wish you and your beloved ones have a happy Christmas and New Year,

With lots of love and prayer,



剛剛和三姊一起在兩廳院看林懷民老師的新作"如果沒有你"全球首演, 可能是衝著"林懷民向流行歌致敬"的slogan, 現場氣氛活潑許多, 也和以往以文藝青年為主的觀眾群大相逕庭; 加上白光銷魂嗓音"如果沒有你, 日子怎麼過, 我的心也碎, 我的事也不能做…"的媚惑, 不少人帶著老媽一起來 (我們的左右兩邊似乎都是), 讓今晚多了不少溫馨氣氛.

和印象中的雲門舞作比較, 我會將這次的新作定位為認識現代舞的"基本款":

1) 本作篩選出來的中文流行音樂, 大部分是觀眾耳熟能詳的曲子, 歌詞也朗朗上口, 部分舞作和歌詞結合, 等於有歌中劇或musical的概念, 對觀眾而言, 看起來輕鬆, 也比較容易理解.

2) 這次的舞作很像短篇小說精選輯, 短篇小說和長篇不同, 無法慢慢鋪陳, 必須在短短幾分鐘內抓住觀眾的眼光並引起共鳴, 所以不會沉悶, 而且即使觀眾偏好差異很大也沒關係, 18個短篇中總有幾篇投其所好.

3) 這次的舞台設計雖然簡單, 卻很吸睛, 透過11片鏡子反射光影, 營造出各式不同場景. 而女舞者的舞衣不僅繽紛多彩, 合身的剪裁也把女性柔美/浪漫/熱情等特質完全呈現, 令我想起上次去看的碧娜·鮑許(Pina Bausch)舞作Agua (當然尺度上保守許多), 不知道林老師是不是也想透過這齣作品向2009年去世的現代舞大師碧娜·鮑許致敬?

18首流行歌曲*中, 我最喜歡的片段是: (以下有雷, 不想受影響的朋友請立即結束閱讀, 謝謝!)

1) 白光的"如果沒有你": 這是唯一一曲在沒有熄燈的狀況下看雲門舞蹈, 透過鏡面反射, 樓下觀眾會清楚看到自己的身影, 舞者被觀眾及鏡中的觀眾身影包圍, 再結合國家戲劇院以深紅色絨布為主的觀眾席設計, 配上白光慵懶的嗓音, 很像是穿越時光隧道, 來到我想像中紙醉金迷的上海百樂門大舞廳.

2) 黃小琥的"不只是朋友": 很棒的雙人舞/3人舞 /4人舞, 害我一直想到可憐的"大仁哥" (無法理解者請於週日晚間10:00收看"我可能不會愛你"), 結束的很巧妙, 令人會心一笑.

3) 任賢齊的"對面的女孩看過來": 兼具演戲天份的男舞者, 很難想像這麼個大個兒 (但是是身材很好的大個兒) 可以這麼俏皮可愛, 哈!

4) 鳳飛飛的"巧合": 超有那個年代的fu, 如果說這段舞蹈是向那個年代的台灣秀場文化致敬, 或是向鳳飛飛與四騎士致敬, 應該也不為過.

5) 黃小琥的"我的心裡只有你沒有他": 充滿西班牙吉普賽女郎"卡門"的丰姿, 性感/熱情/奔放, 完全對我的味啊!

6) 羅大佑的"握手": 很棒的群舞, 非常適合謝幕與安可曲.

或許因為是首演, 有些地方可以再精益求精, 像是部分曲目銜接不順, 音樂下太快或是舞者結束的有點散; 還有鏡面在移動或旋轉時, 舞臺燈光會強烈照射到1樓觀眾的眼睛, 非常刺眼不舒服, 直接影響觀賞品質. 但瑕不掩瑜囉! 因為我在看的時候就已經忍不住開始想像, 當國外觀眾看到這齣舞作時, 會如何欣賞台灣的流行音樂? 或許我們是從音樂認識舞作, 聽不懂中文的他們, 卻是從舞作中更認識台灣的音樂.

不曉得林懷民老師的編舞風格, 從"行草"與"屋漏痕"大跳躍到"如果沒有你", 是不是也是在傳揚亞洲及台灣文化的企圖心或使命感上, 有了不同的轉折? 期待看到更多的台灣流行金曲在雲門的舞作中發熱, 也期待看到雲門的舞作在世界各地的舞台上發光.

*"如果沒有你"共有18首歌曲入舞, 包括:
盧廣仲-oh yeah!